Sera Shivnan is from Manchester, UK. After graduating from Leeds University in Sport Health & Nutrition, she embarked on her Asia adventure. She spent her first five years in Thailand and ran her own Personal Training Fitness business. This was her first step into holistic healthcare. She trained hundreds of Expat clients in Bangkok and began researching root causes of physical injuries, ill health, disease and stress management. She then studied to become a Traditional Thai Massage Therapist and Traditional Thai Doula at the Wat Po Thai Massage School in Bangkok. This gave her a deeper insight to understanding the complexities of our energy system and how applying pressure points, massage and movement through the meridian system can relieve and manage pain symptoms. This helped many of her personal training clients alleviate physical and mental health problems within their bodies.
However, it wasn’t until she stumbled across Reiki in 2012 and found her Reiki Teacher when her true soul’s mission and calling was found. She worked through the Reiki levels like all students (but moreover went through her own spiritual transformation and transition) until she became a teacher in 2014. Spiritually and emotionally speaking, Asia re-awakened her soul, she had a calling from a young age to travel to Asia to learn Eastern medicine and bring back healing methods to Europe. She found her place amongst Buddhists, psychics and healers and her soul found her one true Spiritual Path. Organically, her path grew towards hands-on healing as she moved away from physical training to the incredible sacred healing art of Reiki. She has sincere gratitude to every patient she has treated and every student she has taught and most of all, has sincere gratitude and the utmost respect for her incredible spiritual teachers and mentors that have chosen and trusted her to pass on their knowledge, healing modalities and sacred spiritual gifts to others.
She spent fourteen years in Shanghai, China – ten of those years were building her own Reiki Academy. To date, she has trained 300+ students, 100+ Reiki Masters and now has 5 Reiki Teachers of her own. The soul lessons, connections and Reiki student community she has built is unique and her students continue across the globe passing on Reiki to others. ​After 19 years in the hustle and bustle of city life (Bangkok and Shanghai), she exchanged the concrete jungle for olive trees and quiet rural life in Granada, Spain where she continues to host Reiki & Meditation Retreats.

The mission of ShivEnergetics Reiki Academy is to provide a standard and benchmark in Reiki. We are already training and working with many western medical professionals and integrating with other holistic therapies. The results being, many patients suffering with different types of cancers, diseases and illnesses are finding their illnesses detoxified, organs replenished and the physical returning to balance after a handful of treatments and Reiki Training Level 1. Our mission is to grow our school globally and set international standards in Reiki in each country.
Any Reiki Teacher who has been trained authentically will have a high spectrum of energy expanding their energy field, personal self-development, psychic ability and spiritual maturity to attune a student competently and activate the Kundalini energy of the student. Reiki Master-Teachers trained in the ShivEnergetics Reiki Academy will be channeling 50+ Guides/Frequency of Light from their Higher Self. Reiki Practitioners will be channeling between 15-30+ Guides (depending on their hands-on experience and self-development).

Today in Complementary and Alternative therapy there is an increasing need for international standards of quality control and procedures. ShivEnergetics Reiki Academy is a Training School for Energy Medicine and is trademarked to show dedication to the authentic Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Method and to establish an international benchmark for Reiki training. The outcome has proven the quality and competency of its skilled Reiki practitioners. At each level from Reiki 1 to Reiki 3, the student will receive 4 attunements, equaling 12 altogether when they complete their Reiki Master Training. The Reiki Teacher Training is a separate level and the student Master needs to complete anywhere between 2-5 years of professional Reiki treatment service before being assessed for the Reiki Teacher Level.
We do not ignore those who have previously trained elsewhere; however, in order to maintain the quality and consistency of Reiki therapists, a student will be required to begin again from Reiki level 1. Today, there are many modalities being used around the world termed “Reiki” but are not a practical transfer of source energy. These “branches” of Reiki often involve confusing Reiki with religious belief systems, kundalini and breathwork meditation techniques, sound healing, Ayahuasca and so on to activate the Reiki energy. The Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Method is passed on in its pure form without added techniques to activate the Reiki energy flow; only additional skills are passed on after Reiki levels to help the student with their personal self-development and professional competency as a therapist. We do not mix Reiki with other healing modalities listed above.​

Sera Shivnan | Granada, Spain.
Sera Shivnan is based in Spain but also travels to Asia frequently for classes. She is available for face to face workshops, hands on treatments, online 1-1 trainings, remote healing sessions and ceremonies.
WhatsApp: +34 722594672
WeChat: AspireHealth
Reiki Qualifications
Reiki Level 9 Teacher
Crystal Healing
Pendulum Diagnosis
Founder of The Energetic Map Shifting Modality ™ (Trained levels 1-6)
Qi Gong Complete Circle
Transcending Entities & Ceremonies
Developing Psychic Awareness Meditation Levels 1 and 2
Healthcare Qualifications
BA Bachelor Degree in Sports and Nutrition (Leeds University, UK)
Diploma in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Traditional Indonesian Silat Martial Arts
Traditional Thai Midwifery and Massage
Thai Herbal Compress Massage
Thai Pre/Post Partum Massage
Thai Traditional Massage
ACE Pre-Post-Partum Trainer
ACE Personal Trainer
ACE Injury Trainer
Taiji Training